Want to be a speaker?

Want to be a speaker?

Empower. Connect. Build.

Our goal is to highlight the unique and creative lives of this diverse neighborhood and show how their experiences connect to national and global narratives and solutions.

Do you currently live (or previously lived) in the King-Lincoln Bronzeville neighborhood?

Do you currently work (or previously worked) in the King-Lincoln Bronzeville neighborhood?

Does your research, activism, creativity, or community engagement practices directly impact people who live in the King-Lincoln Bronzeville neighborhood?

What did you answer?

If you did not answer "YES" to any of the questions above, you DO NOT qualify to be a speaker for TEDxKingLincolnBronzeville. 
However, we hope you will attend the event! Sign up at TEDxKLB.org for updates.

Did you answer "YES" to any of the questions above?

Watch the video below and apply!

Apply today!
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